Welcome to Green Class - Year 2 and 3
Class Teacher - Mrs Gibbins
Teaching Assistants - Mrs Randall and Miss Edwards
Please click here for the Spring 2 2025 curriculum overview
Class Timetable
Monday | Collective Worship |
Grammar / Dictation
Computing |
String, Woodwind & Piano with Mrs Cliffe PE
Tuesday | Collective Worship |
Music / Handwriting |
Maths |
Forest School (PHSE) |
English |
Wednesday | Collective Worship | Writing Plan | Maths | History |
R.E |
Homework due in |
Thursday | Collective Worship | Writing |
Maths |
Science |
P.E |
Times Tables* Test 9am PE Woodwind with Mrs Lindop Library Book change - up to 2 books at a time |
Friday | Collective Worship | Comprehension | Maths | D.T | French |
Spelling Test 9am Word list in in the back of Reading Record Book and updated every 6 weeks Homework given out |
*Please see our Supporting Your Child's Learning page (under the Parents tab) for this year's times tables guidance.
P.E: Please make sure that all P.E kit is in school every day, as times may change. Kits can be taken home once a half term to be washed. Unless the weather is awful, PE takes place outside so suitable clothing is needed.
Please remember to name all items of clothing.
You will need the following items:
All PE kit items should be separate from those worn to school. Children will not be allowed to participate if PE is incorrect/incomplete.
Book bags: Please bring these to school each day along with reading book and yellow reading record so that we are able to change books and listen to children read. Encourage your child to read on a daily basis as this support will be very beneficial towards their progress. Also ensure that they record this in their Reading Record book.
Water bottles: All children should bring a water bottle to school, as we encourage them to stay hydrated throughout the day. These are kept in the classroom during school time.
Homework: Homework is given out on a Friday and is expected back by the following Wednesday. Specific tasks will appear in the weekly newsletter.
Pens and pencils: All stationery is provided by school. Children use a pencil for writing in both year groups.
If you have any questions about anything in Year 2 and 3 please speak to the school office to make an appointment to see me.
Mrs Gibbins