NMPAT Woodwind Recital
We were lucky enough to welcome Northamptonshire Music and Performing Arts' woodwind ensemble, who treated us to a very enjoyable performance and gave the children the opportunity to learn all about the various instruments. Many thanks to NMPAT.
We held our annual 'Crazy Hair Day' on the same day - Friday 19th April - in case you wondered about some of the children's hairdos! Thanks to all those that brought items in for this year's May Day tombola.
Experience Easter 2024
On 25th March, the children participated in 'Experience Easter' at St Mary's Church, East Haddon. They visited different 'stations' within the Church, learning all about the story of Easter.
Christmas Performances 2023
On the last week of term, Key Stage One children performed their Christmas nativity I'm Gonna Shine! and Key Stage Two treated us to a performance of Hoodwinked. Very well done to all!
Christingle Service at St Mary's Church, 8th December 2023
It was fantastic to see so many of you in church this morning for our Christingle service and to have the opportunity to think of those who may be less fortunate than us. Thank you to everyone who returned candles; all the money will be counted and sent to the Children’s Society. Huge thanks to Lynne Threadgold for organising and leading our service, and to everyone else involved in making it a success.
The Wind in the Willows
Many thanks to the Image Theatre Company, who joined us on Tuesday 10th October, to work with the children on a performance of The Wind in the Willows. The children did so well and everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Poetry with a Difference
On Friday 8th September, we welcomed David from 'Word Guerilla' into school to perform his unique brand of poetry. The children had great fun and spent the afternoon working on and performing their own poetry. Thanks to David for spreading his enthusiasm!
Leavers' Service 2023
This year's service was an extra special one, as we were not only saying goodbye to our Year 6 leavers, but were bidding a fond farewell to our own Mrs Barnes, retiring this year.
RE Award July 23
Congratulations to Mae and William, seen below accepting our annual RE award from Jack, last year's recipient. Well done!
Animal Encounters!
Red Class were lucky enough to have a visit from Chris and Jennifer from Classroom Animal Encounters on 5th July. The children were able to touch some of the animals, including African Land Snails, Leaf/stick insects, Madagascan Hissing Cockroaches and Giant African Millipede, The tarantula stayed safely in its cage although the children were able to handle a shredded tarantula skin! Thank you to Chris and Jenny and also to the Friends of the School, who funded the experience.
Holdenby House Trip, Year 4
On 7th June, Year 4 visited Holdenby House to take part in their Flora, Fauna and Farming activities. The day was centred around discovering all manner of wildlife, insects, plants and crops and learning about their importance and the impact they have on the environment. Many thanks to Friends for funding the trip.
Pioneer Centre Residential Trip, Year 5 & 6
From Monday 5th June to Friday 9th June 2023, Year 5 & 6 spent their week at the Pioneer Centre working together on a variety of activities and challenges - take a look at the photos below!
Kier Highways Gritter naming competition
Congratulations to Cohen and Riley for winning Kier Highways' competition. To celebrate the winning names, Kier Highways brought one of their gritting lorries along to school for the children to see! The winning names were Gritzilla and Icey Slicey and two of Kier's new lorries will be sporting their new names in the Autumn. Well done boys!
Rugby Museum Trip for Years 2 & 3
On Thursday 9th March, Green Class visited Rugby Museum. They children spent an enjoyable day examining Roman artefacts and coins, making sandals and dressing up. Many thanks to the Friends of the school, who are paid for the museum tickets and a gift bag for each child.
First Aid Sessions for Years 4,5 & 6
Nicky Astbury from Mini First Aid Kids came in on 11th January to deliver first aid training to Blue Class. She said that the children 'were amazing and grasped everything so quickly'. Many thanks to Nicky for coming in.
Christmas Performances 2022
The children did really well in their Christmas plays on 13th & 14th December. Key Stage 1 performed The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All and Key Stage 2 performed Aladdin Trouble. Well done to everyone.
The Angel Who Nearly Missed It All
Aladdin Trouble
Spratton Hall Vocal Music Day, 24th November 2022
Years 5 and 6 attended Spratton Hall's 'sing up' vocal music day on Thursday this week. We were made to feel most welcome and the children had a thoroughly enjoyable day. Well done to everyone involved.
Darren Edwards, October 2022 - Strength through Adversity
Disabled adventurer and explorer Darren Edwards gave an inspirational talk on his message of 'strength through adversity'. He shared with us how his adventures have tested the limits of his physical and emotional recovery, and allowed him to further develop a sense of mental resilience, helping him to overcome adversity after adversity. Many thanks to Darren.
Image Theatre Group, October 2022
On Tuesday, 11th October, Image Theatre Group came into school to run workshops with the children, culminating in a fantastic performance of the Sword in the Stone. All the children had a thoroughly enjoyable day. Many thanks to Image Theatre.
Red Class Mini-Beasts Assembly
In the summer term, Reception and Year 1 treated us to a class assembly all about Mini Beasts. Well done Red Class!
Special Police Visit from PC McDonald
Thank you to PC McDonald, who treated us to an entertaining and informative assembly on what it is like to be a police officer. The children thoroughly enjoyed seeing the police dog<