East Haddon is a small village school, providing a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Our aim is for all our children to become independent and responsible young people. This is achieved in a caring and stimulating environment, through a wide range of carefully balanced learning opportunities. We want our children to achieve the highest possible standards and realise their potential.
We are a Church of England Voluntary Controlled school and we aim to provide a Christian environment which is stable, caring and supportive. Our children have the opportunity to learn and develop their spiritual, social and moral integrity.
We can only achieve the best for each child, socially, morally, spiritually and culturally through close co-operation between home and school. We provide many opportunities for parents to visit the school and share in their children’s education. We look forward to welcoming you in to our school.
Claire Truslove MA Ed
Head Teacher / Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo)
Each month, we will be sending out Online Safety information to parents. You will be able to access the latest newsletter here, and view additional information under Parents/E-Safety.