(Prepared by Stephen Lord)
Photograph taken in 1931, when the school had again taken first prize in the Central Northants Music Festival.
With no requirement placed on schools to keep records until the late nineteenth century early information on the history of our village’s schools is patchy at best, and at times non existent. Several things however are very clear.
• There were schools in East Haddon far before the time when it was legally necessary to provide education for children.
• There were a great variety of schools in the village
• The schools of East Haddon were very well attended.
In 1822 Baker wrote in his guide:-
“The schoolroom in the house which Lord St. John had for many years allowed the parish to use for that purpose, being found insufficient, a subscription was entered into in 1790 and a new school room built for the accommodation of the parish.”
This schoolroom of 1790 is the room recently divided to provide hall storage and group teaching space in our recent modernisation and is still in daily use.
A Select Committee report on Education of the Poor in 1818 provides the following details:-
“Particulars relating to Endowments for Education of Youths
A school in which 6 girls are taught. The mistress receives £4 - 7s - 6d per annum arising out of land besides which she teaches. Others are taught at the expense of their parents.
Other Institutions for the purposes of Education.
A school in which 20 boys are taught at the expense of the parish and as individuals; the master receives £28 – l0s beside which he teaches other children.
The poor have sufficient means of Education.”
The Education returns of 1833 provide the first real clues as to the wide variety of schools in the village and also the value that the villagers must have placed on education at this time. The village is quoted in the return as having a population of 644.
“ Five daily schools - one of which contains 48 males of whom 34 are paid for by a salary allowed by the principal landed proprietor and the parish, in another are 6 males and 26 females; 12 of the latter are paid for, partly by salary allowed as above mentioned, and partly by their parents, the remainder of the children in both these schools are educated at the expense of their parents; another contains 3 males and 11 females; another (appertaining to Baptists) 5 males and 7 females; and the other (to Independents) 7 males and 3 females; in the three schools last mentioned all the children are instructed at the expense of their parents.
Three Sunday Schools, in two whereof are 61 males and 45 males who attend the Established Church; the other consists of 21 males and 30 females and appertains to Baptists: in these three schools the children are taught gratuitously.”
The school logs begin in 1874. The first page is shown below. Some quotes are included from other sources.
School closed on 19th and 20th October on account of East Haddon Fair. For the remainder of the week the children were only expected to pay half the usual fees.
2nd November
Night school began. 8 attended.
January 19th
In consequence of the Farmer’s Ball (held in school ) school closed - half day .
March 12th
110 children present.
May 25th
Mr Sawbridge held an examination of first class boys in dictation and arithmetic and prizes were awarded varying in amounts from 4/- to 1/6d.
July 30th
Holiday on Thursday and Friday - East Haddon Flower Show.
August 20th
Small attendance still this week. Harvest has begun. Many children absent in consequence.
October 18th - 25th
Holiday on account of East Haddon Feast.
November 19th
Small attendance this afternoon. The hounds passed as school was assembling and many of the children followed.
December 28th
An entertainment - Magic Lantern - was given in school. Tea previously to Day and Sunday scholars.
May 23rd
Govt. Report received this morning. (In these days the school was inspected annually. Summaries of the reports were entered into the log each year. The school’s funds depended on the outcome of these inspections.)
In addition to attendance problems arising from the Harvest and another closure for the Village Feast we read of a further half day.
Half holiday - Cricket match on lawn in Hall grounds.
November 1st - 15th
School closed - Scarletina.
November 30th
Received from Mr Mackesy 4 dozen exercise books to be sold at 1/2d (half penny) each for home lessons.
September 23rd
Wet slow harvest - an extra week given in consequence.
October 12th
Infant Dept. Inconveniently crowded. Removed standard 1 to large room.
June 14th - 20th
Re-opening of the Parish Church - Week’s holiday .
January 3rd
Children granted a holiday this afternoon - the schoolroom being required for a concert this evening.
March 4th
Mr Banks called at the school this morning to complain of some of the children going into his field. Cautioned them.
April 18th
Only a small attendance this week throughout the school. Fee was only 1d owing to the two days holiday.
October 20th
A very small attendance - gleaning not yet over.
November 3rd
Commenced fires in school today for the winter months. Arranged with the vicar to find fuel for the school for this season for £3.
December 4th
Capt. Sawbridge visited school this morning - thought it insufficiently warmed - promised to send a fire to be placed in the middle of the room.
December 18th
Captain Sawbridge promised 8 scarlet cloaks to the best behaved girls.
January 2nd
Captain Sawbridge presented 8 scarlet cloaks. A number of brown cloaks were sold to the children at half price.
January 16th
Captain Sawbridge promised 6 additional cloaks to those already given to the best girl attenders since March 31st.
January 23rd
School closed for the day - Concert by East Haddon Choral Society.
February 11th
(The first mention of school photographs.) 4 groups taken by Mr Mains from Northampton.
April 15th
119 children recorded today.
April 30th
School closed - the schoolroom wanted for children who had been confirmed by the Bishop.
May 20th
Gave an imposition of 20 lines to Emma for insubordination. Kept in Annie to finish learning her lesson - both children were fetched away by their mother who passionately refused to allow them to submit to school discipline.
June 22nd
A half day holiday on account of the anniversary of the Restoration of the Church.
February 12th
Received 6 dozen framed slates per Healey the Carrier. Many broken in transit.
March 25th
Pytchley Hunt in East Haddon - small attendance.
April 4th
Evening scholars examined at Holdenby - 12 were qualified by attendance only 9 however put in an appearance.
July 18th
Children granted a half holiday to attend a Temperance Fete at Althorp Park.
July 31st
Church choir excursion to Leamington and Warwick. School closed.
January 26th
School closed at 3 p.m. - schoolroom being required for a ball in the evening.
March 15th
Commenced school at 9.45 a.m. - election of Constable.
June 11th
Punished Amy for laughing while singing grace.
July 20th
Punished William for swearing in the playground.
July 31st
Punished Thomas for playing truant.
August 28th
Punished George for fighting.
December 19th
Taught a new song “Gay and Happy’
January 18th
Taught a new song “Gay and Happy” .
April 29th
(The log contains the first of a series of a series of annual plans for object lessons to be taught to the infants. These were by and large on household objects barring a few exotic animals. A report by an inspector a few years later makes mention of the need to teach with the object to hand in the classroom whenever possible.)
February 15th
No school - tea being given by Captain Sawbridge.
February 16th
School closed due to the weather - snow - attendance for the week 7.
December 9th
Re-opened school this morning after being closed for 15 weeks through a severe epidemic of Diphtheria.
Attendance very small a number of the children being unfit to attend - 11 names struck off the register who died during the epidemic.
The following extract comes from Dr R Bruce Low’s report to the Local Government Board on the outbreak of diphtheria at East Haddon. It was signe Dec 2nd 1889
“On September 6th the school was opened as a convalescent hospital for cases able to be moved there and two of the six nurses were employed in its management. Beds and bedding for 24 patients were obtained from Brixworth Workhouse. The temporary hospital was closed on September 25th.”
February 11th
The children from Althorp Station are again excluded - Diphtheria in one of the cottages.
May 1st
Gave the school a holiday today the school being required for a Public Inquiry by Colonel Halstead from the Home Office.
June 3rd
Began teaching Musical drill this morning. (In the two or three years following this entry there arc a number of visitors to the school to see the teaching of Musical drill.)
June 13th
The attendance this week has been very poor - the average only reaching 57. A number of parents refuse to send their children to school owing to Diphtheria being present in the village.
June 27th
Holiday - Fete in the neighbourhood.
August 25th
Closed the school until October 6th. Harvest holiday.
December 12th
Since the cold weather set in we have had Musical drill every morning for about 10 minutes which seems to thoroughly warm them.
July l0th
Instead of singing this afternoon a Fairy tale was read to the whole school.
August 6th
School used for a Missionary meeting this afternoon, the children were given a holiday.
October 21st
Mrs Thompson, with the consent of the Managers, is attending a course of cookery lessons at Long Buckby so the usual Monday afternoon lessons will not be given until the course is finished.
December 2nd
Have decided not to have any recreation (play) during the afternoon during the winter months and to close the school at 3.45 p.m. instead of 4.00 p.m. thus giving the children who live at a distance from the school time to reach their homes before it is dark.
May 11th
The Inspector’s report says: -
“The gallery, which is very old, might be reduced in size and reconstructed and backs should be placed to the gallery seats. A few low desks are required”
See the following page for the full report.
November 2nd
Instead of the usual playtime being given we have this week had musical drill owing to the inclement weather preventing the children playing outside,
From the Managers’ Minute books
The question of allowing the use of the Infant’s room as a club room for men was discussed. The Managers expressed themselves willing to sanction the proposal on the guarantee that it should be properly conducted and in no way interfere with the purpose of Elementary Education
The Parish Council to pay £1 per annum for the use of the school and that 10/- should be paid by the Socail Club per annum.
Scale of Charges 1895:-
1) For Dances. Including Oil 7/6d or with the use of the piano also 10/-
2) For Teas. Including dance 10/-, Tea only (including oil) 2/6d
3) For Political meetings 5/-
4) For entertainments at which a charge is made for admission 2/6d.
All proceedings to be finished by 12 o’clock.
October 7th
Unable to open at proper time after holidays owing to furniture being stored in the school from a neighbouring house which had been destroyed by fire.
May 14th
Began working with new slates with larger ruling in the Infant School this week.
To mark the 60th Anniversary of Her Majesty’s reign the Managers decided to give the children a week long holiday.
July 12th
Exchanged historical readers in the Upper Standards with Guilsborough School so that children might study another period.
May 20th
Received a thermometer for each school.
Several of the Upper Standard children have left this week on hearing the result of their examination for Labour Certificate.
June 24th
Gallery desks in the infant school fixed. (This is the only reference to the location of the gallery. At this time the infants were using the small classroom built in 1790.)
July 22nd
Village Flower Show – School closed.
August 5th
No school this afternoon – Sunday School treat.
June l9th
A number of children were going to a school picnic this afternoon. The school was closed.
October 30th
By order of the Medical Officer of Health the school was closed for a fortnight owing to an outbreak of Scarlet Fever.
April 26th
Mr Dorman gave a scientific lecture on “Temperance” to Standards 3 to 5 this morning.
May 21st
Children given a holiday to celebrate the “Relief of Mafeking”.
November 28th
School closed by order of the Medical Officer of Health so that it might be disinfected.
Average attendance early in the year is 102.
Took the whole of the children of the Upper Department into the fields to illustrate a lesson on Spring and Roots.
(This first outside lesson must have been a success because it was followed by)
May 20th
Cow and sheep compared.
June 10th
Meadow plants.
June 24th
Farmer’s crops grown for their leaves.
July 8th
Crops grown for their grain and roots.
July 29th
Our lanes and hedges.
October 7th
October 30th
Have decided to give a weekly lesson on current topics to the Upper Standards.
November 22nd
Allowed the children to witness a meet of the Pytchley Hounds instead of their usual recreation for the purposes of illustrating a lesson on the fox.
January 13th
Mr S. King visited the school this afternoon and presented each child with 6d on behalf of Captain Sawbridge as a New Year’s gift.
January 24th
Taught the children a new patriotic song “God Save the King”.
March 21st
Have given extra attention to Physical Education in the Upper Department under the “Model Course”.
May 30th
School closed - Party of children and teachers attending an exhibition in London
June 16th
School closed by Medical Officer – Measles.
October 24th
Have decided to give the First Class girls and boys a Drawing Lesson on Friday afternoons to encourage them to attend on this particular afternoon.
November 14th
Have given several lessons this week on the village from the new Ordnance Survey map received this week.
February 6th
Measurements were taken for the new classroom. (The old back room.) This was needed to alleviate overcrowding mentioned in the Inspector’ s report.
January 11th
Alterations to the main room have now been completed. 109 children present.
October 5th
Received a letter from the Board of Education stating that the school was now recognised as providing accommodation for:-
Mixed 90
Infants 56
November 14th
Commenced today to mark the registers directly after prayers in the morning instead finally closing them at 9.45 a.m..
November 18th
Not a single child absent during the week.
April 17th
School closed owing to an outbreak of German Measles.
May 8th
School reopened – 57 / 115 present. Closed for a further week.
School decorated during the Christmas holidays. The walls of the school rooms have been re-coloured and the woodwork re-varnished. (This is the first mention of any decoration being carried out.)
November 21st
Presented the children with their certificates for regular attendance awarded by the County Council.
41 Honours, 21 First Class, 13 of the children had perfect attendance
Miss Cartwright the infant mistress took temporary charge of Holdenhy School.
March 13th
The school was ordered to be closed for three weeks by the Medical Officer of Health owing to an outbreak of mumps. 60% absent
May 24th
Celebrated Empire Day by giving an address to the children on the Empire in the morning and in the afternoon by the singing of National songs and saluting the flag.
February 1st
Mr S. King on behalf of Captain Sawbridge presented each child with 6d. and those possessing a bank book l/- as a New Year’ s gift.
March 14th
Point to Point races held here today - half day holiday.
June 16th.
Closed school for a week - Coronation holiday
April 18th
Musical competition at Northampton - 30 children taking part - school closed.
September 23rd
The children were granted a holiday today on the occasion of the King’s visit to Earl Spencer at Althorp House.
February 15th
A number of children absent today on account of Lady Althorp’s wedding.
November 25th
Unable to mark the attendance of the children this afternoon only 12 children being present in the Mixed School. A number of soldiers came into the village this morning.
May 25th
During the week special lessons have been given upon Food and Economy. Suitable literature has been sent to the parents of the children.
October 9th
The children in the Mixed School went to gather blackberries this afternoon.
October 19th
Blackberrying again.
Blackberrying again.
November 29th
Admitted children for a short time from the air raid district in London
March 13th
School closed today - staff engaged in filling in ration cards
November 11th
Armistice Day observed - 2 minutes silence at the memorial cross.
Organised games 2.40 p.m. - 3.45 p.m. Boys taken for football on the Village Club’s Field. Permission for the use of this field has been obtained from Lord Horne.
October 24th
Temperature of the school room at 9.00 a.m. was 46 degrees. No fires owing to lack of fuel which was ordered over 3 weeks ago.
December 22nd
£5 was raised for school improvements
The year began with 67 on roll.
School savings began today.
January 20th
The first recorded visit of the school dentist.
June 1st
School concert held in the evening. Collection for improvements £4
January 8th
A school carol party raised £5 for blinded soldiers.
May 3rd
The school’s Literacy Society held a meeting addressed by the vicar on “The life of a bee”.
May 17th
A school concert held at the Institute in the evening. £6 - 0s - 9d was raised to be spent on improvements.
June 13th
Concert money spent as follows: -
Microscope £3 – l0s - 0d.
Rain Gauge £1 – 7s - 6d.
Picture 8s - 0d.
To Managers £1 - 0s - 0d.
July 20th
Exhibition of school garden produce. Prizes for the best kept plot were given by Lord and Lady Horne.
January 30th
Announced to the children that Mr Roberts, an old boy of the school, had been appointed Minister of Pensions.
February 7th
Twenty new dual desks arrived for use in the large room. Work was discontinued and the children unpacked, cleaned and arranged them.
March 3rd
First edition of East Haddon School magazine produced
A pupil while walking out in the dinner hour was knocked down by a motor car and killed.
January 11th
Wireless test in school.
March 7th
School has been made a receiving school for the older children from Holdenby school.
4 children competed in the County Sports.
July 16th
2 children chosen to compete at the Inter County Sports at Stamford Bridge.
April 17th
Mr Trichett - horse artist - visited the school, commented upon the drawing and gave a demonstration.
November 7th - 8th
School was closed for two days to allow the installation of electric light in two rooms, the children having raised the sum of £10 towards the cost.
December 20th
The electric light used for the first time.
March 20th
Central Northants Music Festival - first prize for the fifth year running. (see photo at start)
May 16th
S. Northants. School Sports - won shield for the sixth year running.
July 28th
Annual summer outing - Chester and Llangollen.
Senior girls began courses on cooking in the school house.
May 7th
School closed for 2 days - Silver Jubilee of George V and Queen Mary. A new flag was presented to the school.
September 16th
The playground was drained and the offices (toilets!) whitewashed.
July 3rd
School closed by order of the L.E.A. for distribution of gas respirators to the school.
September 11th
There are evacuated children in attendance. The following five teachers are in charge of evacuated children: -
Mrs Eastwood
Miss Mills
Miss Bennett
Mr Dorling
Mr Bivand.
Native and evacuated children are not separated and the school is being worked as an entity.
September 12th
There are 122 children present.
October 25th
Institute used for woodwork - Mr Bivand in charge.
Staff took half term holidays in threes.
December 4th
The vicar of St Mary Magdalene Islington visited the evacuees.
April 2nd
Mr Darling has extra leave as he took charge of the evacuated children during the holidays.
August 2nd
School broke up for the summer holiday - 1 month. The school will be open in wet weather from l0 - noon and from 2 - 4 p.m. each week day to keep children occupied if they care to attend. In fine weather rambles and games will be arranged. Two teachers, Miss Hollis and Mr Birkbeck will be on duty during the first fortnight. Miss Mills and Mr Dolling will be on duty in the second fortnight.
December 20th
School closed for Christmas holidays. It will open each day for indoor recreation.
The school continued to open at each holiday for recreation.
October 6th. 7th. 8th
School closed to allow children to help farmers lift potatoes
October 13th. 14th
School closed again - potato picking.
January 5th
Number on roll:- 36 native, 38 evacuees.
May 7th
9 children including 3 girls went potato picking.
April 2
Miss Mills returning to London. Organisation reverts to that in place before the evacuation. Numbers now include 18 evacuees.
June 25th
The School Medical Officer said the school needed redecorating and recommended that a water flush be installed in the
boy’s lavatory. The school should be pointed and the playground asphalted.
Various children admitted due to air raids in London.
November 23rd
American Independence Day was celebrated by the singing of “The Star Spangled Banner”.
March 5th
From today the afternoon session begins at 1 p.m. and ends at 3 30 p.m. to enable the temporary assistant to catch the 3.40 p.m. bus.
June 28th
The evacuation register was closed.
November 15th
Mr Tutchener brought a supply of books and school requisites from Holdenby school.
November 29th
Several blackboards and a fireguard were left at school from Holdenby. (This would seem to mark the closing of Holdenby school.)
December 22nd
School party - ice cream given.
March 3rd
Mr Churchill, Under Secretary of State for Education paid a short visit to the school this afternoon.
The mixed class contained 35 children between the ages of 7 and 14.
July 18th
A miniature projector was bought by the children in lieu of a day trip to the sea.
January 10th
School meals commenced today. 17 children sat down to dinner. There are 50 children on roll.
Apri1 30th
The Physical Training Organiser visited this afternoon to discuss the commencement of swimming instruction.
September 3rd
Only 3 children have attended from Holdenby owing to complaints about the transport.
September 6th
The outcome of the complaint from Holdenby regarding transport is that all children of 8+ will now walk to school.
March 31st
Only three children from Holdenby today. The taxi had a breakdown and was consequently late. The other children had disappeared.
April 1st
The delinquent scholars from Holdenby were severely reprimanded.
March 2nd
The large room is used as the classroom. The backroom is used for P.T., dancing and games.
April 18th
A parent called at school to say that she would not allow her children to attend school unless she was given an undertaking that they not be smacked or punished.
September 4th
Number on roll 30. This is due to the opening of the new Secondary Modern School at Guilsborough. East Haddon is now a Junior and Infant school.
May 8th
Following a meeting bee keeping in the school garden was ruled out.
October 9th
The rose hip collection authorised by the authority ended after gathering 3 cwt.
November 9th
The new central heating boiler has a noisy pump. The hot water overflows into the school from the overflow tank.
March 29th
Paper towels introduced for the first time.
The number on roll had dropped to 23.
The school house was vacated in readiness for demolition.
November 17th
Two fire engines arrived at lunch time today. A false alarm had been sent suggesting that the school was on fire.
January 4th
Toilets frozen up today and buckets of water required for flushing.
April 19th
Work began on clearing the old school house garden. This area will be levelled and put into use as a grassed play area.
July 23rd
Work began on the proposed new extension indoor toilets, kitchen office and cloakroom.
March 4th
The new kitchen and toilets came into use today. School meals are now being served at school after using the village hall since last September.